The Anabolic Diet

(Joyce) #1

Though most shouldn’t need protein supplements on the Anabolic Diet, they can be used if
you have such problems with appetite or caloric limitations.

Free form amino acids are the building blocks on which proteins are made and muscle developed.
They will play a big role in the supplements I recommend for use with the Anabolic Diet.

Often the free form aminos are used as an alternative to food or protein in the diet, but they
are capable of much more. They can be used as energy sources, anti-catabolic agents, performance
enhancers and, most critical to the bodybuilder, a way to maximize the anabolic effects of
hormones in the body and increase lean body mass.

One of the main reasons bodybuilders and other athletes first jumped on the amino bandwagon
was the belief that they can increase the release of growth hormone. It turns out that these beliefs
were well founded. It’s been shown that a number of aminos may increase growth hormone
secretion.^42 It’s also been shown that they may release pancreatic glucagon and insulin.^43

The branched chain amino acids like leucine (so-called because they chemically branch off
another chain of atoms instead of forming in a line) have also been studied for anti-catabolic and
anabolic effects and been found to stimulate the synthesis of protein and inhibit its breakdown.44,45

I’m not in the business of manufacturing nutritional supplements, but I would like to outline
a series of formulas that could be produced to maximize anabolic effects, minimize catabolism,
and give you the final piece in the puzzle in transforming training, lifestyle, diet, and supplements
to maximum muscle growth. I am currently working with Optimum Training Systems about the
possibility of creating various nutritional supplement formulas for use with the Anabolic Diet.

Basically, the goal of these formulas is to increase muscle mass and strength by increasing
protein synthesis and decreasing protein catabolism. This is done by increasing the available
amino acid pool and high energy phosphates, and providing alternate forms of energy so protein
isn’t eaten away as training continues.

Dosages are applied at an increased, pharmacological level to provide for the maximum
anabolic environment and optimum muscle growth. The formulas are also streamlined and
simplified, and there’s a good reason for this.

Complex amino acid mixtures can contain ingredients that compete with one another for
transport within the body, and lessen the amount of each available. The trick is to devise a mixture
of aminos that’s comprehensive in nature to maximize anabolism, while selective enough to
insure proper serum levels in the blood.

This calls for some precision, but I think we’ve achieved our goals in each of the four formulas.
Each is specifically targeted for a specific function in the body. We’ll discuss these functions
along with ingredients as we take a brief look at each formula.


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