The Anabolic Diet

(Joyce) #1

Glycemic Index by Food Category

Fructose.............. 20
Glucose.............. 100
Maltose.............. 105
Sucrose............... 59
Fish fingers............ 38
Honey................ 87
Lucozade.............. 95
Mars bar.............. 68
Peanuts............... 13
Potato crisps........... 51
Sausages.............. 28
Tomato soup........... 38
Fresh Legumes
Broad beans........... 79
Frozen peas............ 51
Root Vegetables
Beetroot............... 64
Carrots............... 92
Parsnips.............. 97
Potato (instant)......... 80
Potato (new)........... 70
Swede................ 72
Yam.................. 51
Dned and Tinned Legumes
Beans (tinned, baked).... 40
Beans (butter).......... 36

Food Category Glycemic
Index (%)

Grain, Cereal Products
Bread (white)........... 69
Bread (wholemeal)...... 72
Buckwheat............. 51
Millet................. 71
Pastry................ 59
Rice (brown)........... 66
Rice (white)............ 72
Spaghetti (wholemeal)... 42
Spaghetti (white)........ 50
Sponge cake........... 46
Sweetcorn............. 59
Breakfast Cereals
All-bran............... 51
Cornflakes............. 80
Muesli................ 66
Porridge Oats.......... 49
Shredded Wheat........ 67
Weetabix.............. 75
Digestive.............. 59
Oatmeal............... 54
Rich Tea............... S5
Ryvita................ 69
Water................. 63

Beans (haricot)......... 31
Beans (kidney)......... 29
Beans (soya)........... 15
Beans (tinned soya)...... 14
Peas (blackeye)......... 33
Peas (chick)............ 36
Peas (marrowfat)....... 47
Lentils................ 29
Apples (Golden Del.)..... 39
Bananas............... 62
Oranges............... 40
Orange juice........... 46
Raisins............... 64
Dairy Prodtlcts
Ice cream.............. 36
Milk (skimmed)......... 32
Milk (whole)........... 34
Yogurt................ 36

Note: Only 25 gm carbohydrate
portion given. Source: Jenkins, et al,
American lournal of Clinical
Nutrition 1981. Note: Foods like ice
cream have a low giycemic index,
but they also have a high fat content.
Therefore their caloric value has to
bc considered in addition to their
possible effect on insulin response.

habituate to it and no longer respond. Growth will cease. They’ll plateau. It’s the same with the
Anabolic Diet. If you eat the same exact amount of calories every day, you’ll eventually start to
lose the effect of the diet.

That’s why you should try to do some varying of calories on a day-to-day basis. Stairstep
them. If 3,000 calories a day is your goal, try taking 2,000 calories one day, 3,000 the next and
4,000 the day after that, then back down to 3,000, then 2,000, etc. Count your calories on a
weekly basis instead of daily. You should be, to some extent, unpredictable. Don’t let your body
get used to the same caloric intake daily.

You can also vary those calories on the weekend. A good rule of thumb at the beginning is to
increase calories no more than 25 percent over your weekday allotment but, once experienced
with the diet, you’re on your own. Some people in the “Mass Phase” may eat upwards of 10,000
calories a day. They feel like their body’s telling them they need to temporarily force calories, so

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