The Anabolic Diet

(Joyce) #1
and down side, and I don’t think the choice is as critical as others make it out to be. It’s
up to you.

  1. If this is a “primitive diet,” why do we need to take supplements?
    While it’s true that this diet is based on the principles of the primitive diet man grew up
    with, it’s also on the scientific cutting edge. It’s high tech in nature. We’re manipulating
    the body’s natural hormonal environment to stimulate growth and maximizing natural
    anabolic effects. We’re going beyond the primitive diet, using the most recent research to
    provide a supplement program that will drag that primitive diet into the 21st century.

  2. What about dietary fiber?
    Fiber will be very useful during the first few months of the diet. Elimination could be
    either loose or irregular as the body fully transitions into the high fat diet. Later, this
    shouldn’t be a problem for most people. For those who continue to have a problem, stay
    on the natural fiber or opt for a mid-day salad when having difficulty.

  3. Diuretics?
    Fluid retention shouldn’t be much of a problem during the weekdays when you’re on the
    high fat/low carb part of the diet. You may have a problem on the weekend when you’re
    taking in more carbohydrates. If it’s a problem, you can decrease calories or shorten up
    your carb load to correct it. If you’ve had a chronic problem with fluid retention and are
    already on diuretics, you should probably continue them. Otherwise, I wouldn’t
    recommend them because of the modifications you can make to the diet to ensure less
    fluid retention.

  4. Will the Anabolic Diet affect my complexion adversely?
    We’ve found there may be some effect here in the initial stage of the diet. Hormone levels
    are being affected, and we’re trying to maximize testosterone production, so you may find
    your complexion being affected for a short time, but it will return to normal once you get
    used to the diet.
    If you already have skin problems, you’ll probably still have them on the Anabolic Diet,
    although in cases of older bodybuilders, you may find the higher fat content of the diet
    helpful in attacking the dry look that can come from the aging process.

  5. Do you need to exercise to be on the diet?
    This won’t be an issue to the bodybuilder in training, but if you’re passing along the diet
    to a spouse or friend, you should point out that exercise should be a part of this, or any,
    diet. We’re looking to get all aspects of a person’s diet and lifestyle to work together
    synergistically. One of the advantages of this diet is that it will aid the dieter in retaining
    muscle mass as the fat departs. Exercise only enhances this effect.
    Exercise also increases the use of free fatty acids and decreases fat buildup. You’ll lose weight
    faster and look better if you exercise with the diet. When you add in the positive effects


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