The Anabolic Diet

(Joyce) #1
on the cardiovascular system, and general health and psychological well-being which
exercise can bring, it’s clear that exercise should play a role in the Anabolic Diet.

  1. Can my children be on this diet?
    I wouldn’t recommend it in most cases. It’s difficult for children to take supplements and
    be as regimented as an adult needs to be on a diet. Also, I’m not happy with manipulating
    the hormonal levels of children. They’re involved in very complex growth processes. Complex
    interactions between thyroid, insulin, growth hormone, testosterone, and other sex hormones
    occur within children as they mature. Research on the effects of diet on children is slim,
    and there certainly isn’t enough to justify prescribing the Anabolic Diet here.
    I take the same stance with pregnant women. We’re not sure what the hormonal
    manipulation would do to a fetus or the mother. It would be best to be very cautious in
    this situation.

  2. Should I avoid alcohol?
    The occasional drink is not a problem here. It’s the binging that can have an adverse effect.
    Alcohol use will cause the body to bypass those metabolic pathways for burning fat we’re
    trying to utilize. Chronic alcohol use also decreases serum testosterone and growth
    hormone levels.

  3. Heroine, Cocaine, Marijuana?
    If you’re serious about bodybuilding, you’d be best advised to stay away from recreational
    drug use. Heroine, cocaine and marijuana all adversely affect the hypothalamic-pituitary-
    gonadal axis, thus decreasing endogenous testosterone and anabolic drive.

  4. What happens when you reach your target weight and decide to return to normal eating?
    The title of this book should probably be “The Anabolic Lifestyle” instead of “The Anabolic
    Diet.” Though non-athletes have used the diet as a maintenance tool in fighting fat, it is
    meant to be a way of life. By going back to his previous diet, at any time, the bodybuilder
    will only be jeopardizing the gains he’s already made.
    The diet is simple and not nearly as restrictive and painful as most others. Unlike the
    Atkins diet, for instance, you won’t be forever banished from eating certain favorite foods,
    and you’ll be able to do pretty much what you want every weekend. By modifying the
    diet and finding what works best, the bodybuilder can also set himself up for continued
    growth and progress over the years. You’ll also reach your target weight and be able to
    stay there by sticking with the diet.
    Every bodybuilder goes through periods where they’re fed up with everything, of course.
    Even using the most synergistic combination of diet, training, and lifestyle, you’ll still
    fall short of your goals from time to time and be tempted to go back to “the old way.”
    If you can avoid this, do. That way you’ll be avoiding all that time and work it will take
    to get back on track with the diet again. The fact is that the Anabolic Diet is the very best


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