Rev. 13 November 1, 2016
Page | 10 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Applications
Standard for Installation of Air Conditi oning and Vent ilating Systems, N FPA 90A, 1999
Guideline for Environmental Infection Control in Healthcare Facilities: MMWR 2003; 52 (No. RR-10): 1- 2,
CDC/HICPAC 2003 – for design of isolation rooms Exterior Applications
Iowa DNR Storm Water Discharge Regulations, Casework Standards
Architectural Woodwork Standards 2014 Heliports & Elevators
Standard for Heliports, NFPA 418, 19 95
Iowa A dministrative C ode, Chapter 89A, Elevators Roof Tie-Off Anchors
Window Cleaning Safety Standard, ANSI/IWCA 14.1- 2001 Roof System Design Standards
All roof systems at UIHC shall be designed by the Design Professional or a qualified consultant to comply
with the current versions of the following standards (see 2.1.5 FM Global Roof Compliance Process and
Divisions 05, 06, and 07 for additional information):
FM Global RoofNav (
- Internal Fire: Meet Class 1 (steel decking) or Class NC (concrete decking).
- Exterior Fire: Meet Class A.
- Hail: Meet Severe Hail (SH).
- Wind: Meet the more stringent of either FM Global RoofNav Calculator or ASCE/SEI 7-
10 (using Risk Category 3/4 Wind Map). - Identify roof systems with rating-compliant RoofNav Assembly Numbers and specify these assembly numbers.
FM Global Loss Prevention Data Sheets 1-28, 1-29, & 1- 49
ASCE/SEI 7-10 (Use Risk Category 3/4 Wind Map)
UL Fire Resistance Directory
NRCA Manual 2016
SMACNA Manual 2015