Rev. 13 November 1, 2016
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Roof Manufacturer's Published Design and Installation Requirements Pharmacy Applications
United States Pharmacopeia (USP) Reference Standards; i ncluding USP 797, (Or USP 800 when issued) Lasers
American National S tandard for the Safe Use of Lasers in Health Care F acilities, ANSI Z 136.3- 2005
1.3 Risk Assessment/Infection Control
Every pr oject has unique safety considerations. All construction pr ojects shall develop a risk assessment
and infection control strategy. The infection cont rol measures are outlined in Section 01 35 33 Interim
Infection Control measures of the specifications, the latest version of which is in Appendix E. The UIHC
Project Risk Assessment pr ocedur e shall be followed, and a compl eted risk assessment form shall be
presented to the Project Risk Assessment Committee twice during the de sign for approval.
The following is a list of design considerations tha t shoul d be inc lude d in projects where applicable: zoning
of cons truction, egress issues, lockout/tagout, exit signs in construction areas to be covered or extingui she d,
pedestrian vehicular traffic, parking, c ritical li fe safety shutdowns, fire a larm/sprinkler s hut do wns...
1.4 Site Design Considerations
During de sign, it is inc umbent on the Design Prof essional to perfor m existing condition checks, includi ng
checking dimensions of s paces, a review of existing utilities a nd infrastructure, etc.
During the existing conditions checks, it is the Design Prof essional’s responsibility to adhe re to the UIHC
Inf ection Control standards. Use of plastic enclos ures will be required in several areas of the hospi tal for
above ceiling inspe ctions. Con tact the Owner’s Rep. to obtain information on the inf ection cont rol
classification for areas.
1.5 Utility Energy Incentives
All projects should be considered for the MidAmerican Ene rgy Rebate for Construc tion program. The
earlier in the design proc ess this is r eviewed, the mor e potential s aving s c an be gained. Review t he specifics
of the program at the f ollowing webs ite –
1.6 Existing Hospital Finishes
Verify with the Owner’s Representative if existi ng finishes us ed within the pr oject area are to be retained for
the project. In areas whe re e xisting fini shes won’t be used Owner a pproval is required.