Architectural and Engineering Design Standards

(avery) #1

Rev. 13 November 1, 2016

Page | 12

2. DESIGN DELIVERABLES....................................................................................................................................................

2.1 Design Deliverable Requirements

This section contains information regarding what is required from the Design Professional during the design
process. It represents the mini mum acceptable level of document perfor mance and quality. These
requirements are no t intended to add to the basic de sign contract but rather clarify and de fine the
expe ctations under the terms of the cont ract. Please see Appendix M for Capital Management’s Design

2.1.1 State of Iowa Board of Regents Submissions

The Design Prof essional is requi red to assist with the creation and printing of the Schematic Design Booklet
for submission to the State of Iowa Board of Regents for pr ojects with budgets exceeding the minimum
thr eshol ds. The booklet requirements vary depending on the size, type and complexity of the project but
will include a project location map; colored floor plans; elevations and/or color rende rings to convey the
look and feel of the spaces; basic budget and sche dule information and othe r documents requested to he lp
the State of Iowa Board of Regents understand the character and scope of t he p roject.

2.1.2 Schematic Design

The schematic design documents should illustrate the general scope of the project and the relations hips of
the project components. The schematic design documents are conceptual in nature and the drawings are
gene rally pr esented as a single-line type drawing showing the type of cons truction, materials and provide a
visual organization o f the overall project.
The required inf ormation should be assembled into a project booklet or bi nder with drawings and submitted
to the Owner’s Representative with the completed Sche matic Design Required Deliverables Checklist
(Appendix A). When the schematic design submission is approved by the Owner the signed checklist will
be sent back to t he D esign P rofessional as f ormal permission to begin design development.
The minimum acceptable level of information r equired f or t he schematic de sign submission is as follows:

  1. Written Requirements
    a) Detailed code analysis indicating the applicable c odes, s tandards, guidelines, construction types, occupa nc y
    classification, seismic requirement s and relevant assumptions.
    b) Current space program signed off by the department. The program will include net square feet (NSF), and
    departmental gross square feet.
    c) Cost estimate with a detailed explanation of any variance to the Owner’s construction cost estimate.
    d) LEED checklist indicating which points project will attempt or not attempt and which point are being
    e) Updated project schedule, include plan (if necessary) for meeting the Owner’s milestone dates.
    f) Document survey of mechanical, electrical, plumbing and telecom systems and any issues that may affect this

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