Architectural and Engineering Design Standards

(avery) #1
As an alternate to the Base Bid, the vendor shall provide a hydraulic governing system
in lieu of the electronic type. The vendor shall include with the alternate proposal the
following information:

1) Make and model of hydraulic governor.

2) Speed regulation characteristics obtainable.

h. Fuel Transfer Pump

For fuel oil transfer from the day tank, an automatically controlled electric driven fuel
transfer pump shall be supplied on the set. Also a suitable hand operated transfer
pump shall be supplied and installed as a standby to the automatic pump; all complete
with piping.

i. Safety Switches

The engine shall be equipped with automatic safety switches to stop the engine in the
following cases:

1) Water temperature exceeds a preset safe working limit.

2) Lubricating oil pressure lower than a preset safe working limit.

3) Speeds exceeding 110%.

4) Overcranking.

j. Engine Instrument Panel

An engine mounted instrument panel shall be furnished including water temperature
gauge, oil pressure gauge, fuel pressure gauge, and oil temperature gauge.

k. Engine-Generator Monitoring System

An engine-generator monitoring system shall be provided complete with sensors to
monitor the following:

1) Low engine temperature.

2) High water temperature.

3) Low oil pressure.

4) High oil temperature.

5) Overcrank.

6) Overspeed.


November 1, 2016
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