Rev. 13 November 1, 2016
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i. Further development of one line electrical dist ribution diagram, including normal / e mergency / life safety
power. I nclude point of c on nection inf ormation.
ii. Light fi xture layout should be shown in the reflected ceiling plan ( RCP) with fixtures labeled and a fixture
schedule. Thi s should include g eneral lighting, e mergency lighting (clearly i dentified) and e xit signs.
Indicate dimming where necessary.
iii. Preliminary equipment layouts and schedules with sizes, capacitie s and locations. Include required c hases
and details if a pp ropriate.
iv. Preliminary panel schedule.
v. Any special features ( under fl oor raceways, access flooring , etc.) should be further detailed.
vi. Mechanical area floor plans should indicate required space, with required clearances shown, for el ectrical
equipment and panels.
vii. Power d ist ribution equipment (schedul e and locations), f eeder sizes, emergency generator size / l ocation.
viii. Roof plans showing roof perimeters, all proposed rooftop electrical equipment, roof penetrations, rooftop
conduits, raceways and cable trays, and support systems.
e) Communication drawings shall include:
i. Communication plan shall be developed f urther and include telephone, data, nurse c all locations, special
nurse call and signal light systems, f ire alarm pull stations, horn/strobes, fire alarm panels, door security,
automatic door operators, cameras, and duress button locations. Include low voltage responsibility matrix
on drawing showing required work and responsibilities.
ii. Show te lecommunication room ( TR) location/s w ith t he standard room configuration. Coordinate
electrical and HVAC requ irements f or TR.
iii. Show complete p athway for l ow v oltage wiring including cable tray, include standard pathway detail on
iv. Show communication room l ocation/s a nd indicate panel mounting locations. Coordinate electrical and
HVAC r equirements f or communication room.
v. Further develop security diagram showing l ocations of duress buttons, camera l ocations, zones of security
and the level of security at each affected opening.
vi. Roof plans showing roof perimeters, all proposed rooftop communication equipment, roof penetrations,
rooftop conduits, raceways and cable trays, and support systems.
2.1.4 Construction Document
The construction do cuments should be a refinement of the de sign development documents. No subs tantive changes
from t he appr oved design development documents shall be made without prior consultation and approval of the Owner.
All portions of the documents should be f ully detailed and all elements that relate to constructability defined. The more
de tail included with the plans ensur es the be st pr oject in terms of quality and will resul t in accurate pricing and a
lower number of request f or interpretation (RFI) and changes to the contract.
The A/E shall coordinate communications between the Owner and the State of I owa Fire Marshall’s Office to receive
written approval to bid the project.
The r equ ired information should b e assembled into a project booklet or binder with drawings and specifications a nd
submitted to the Owne r’s Representative with the completed Construction Documents Required Deliverables Checklist
(Appendix C ). When the construction documents submission is approv ed t he signed c hecklist will be sent back to the
cons ultant. This will allow the Design Professional to inv oice f or 1 00% of t he constr uc tion documents portion of t heir