Rev. 13 November 1, 2016
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- Written Requirements
a) Final Basis of Design document with an executive s ummary of a ny changes t o the previous submission.
b) Final code analysis with an executive summary of changes t o the previous submission.
c) Final space program information with an executive s ummary of any changes to the previous submission.
d) Complete specification in CSI Master Format
e) Final Interior Finish Color Board/s.
f) Statement of coordination verifying that all ductwork, piping, conduit, lighting, cable tray, bus duct, and other
above ceiling facilities w ill fit at t he stated height above the finished floor.
g) Final cost estimate with an executive summary of any variance to the previous
submission and to the Owner’s original c onstruction c ost estimate. Include sepa rate estimates for any
construction alternates, a llowances, or unit prices not i ncluded in the base bid.
h) Updated project schedule, include plan (if necessary) for meeting the Owner’s milestone dates. Schedule
should also include the anticipated construction schedule by phase and critical path and key milestones dates
identified for the major components of the construction.
i) Final drawing review appr oval or written approv al to bid project from the State
Fire Marshal’s o ffice.
j) Copy of the signe d and s ealed Ene rgy Code Statement of R eview Form (if required because of the Project size
and type).
k) Draft Advertisement for bid. - Drawing R equirements
a) General
i. All drawing sheets shall contain the official project title, project number, drawing revision date, scale
information and indicate drawing orientation
ii. Provide symbol legend and abbreviation list for all disciplines
iii. All areas shall be numbered with the Owner assigned room numbers. Room numbers should be used
consistently on all drawings and schedules.
iv. All architectural, mechanical and electrical sheets shall indicate their respective requirements for
construction phasing, temporary HVAC & power requirements, Infection Control and Interim Life Safety
v. Completed demolition plans for all disciplines.
vi. Include final manufacturer site specific drawings (reference only) for major Owner furnished equipment
like imaging equipment, hydrotherapy pools, operating room equipment, etc.
b) Architecture drawings should include:
i. Complete life safety plan.
ii. Complete project location map.
iii. Complete floor plans for every level wall partitions dimensioned from the grid or column reference
system. All rooms should be shown with correct room number and label.
iv. Complete roof plans incorporating all perimeters, roof penetrations, primary and overflow drainage
devices, walkways, equipment, access points, valley and ridge lines, slopes, taper insulation, and roof
attachment enhancement zones at perimeter and corner areas. Detail drawings shall be provided showing
the roof assembly cross section(s), attachment details, and flashing details for all perimeters, penetrations,
and primary and overflow drainage devices. Equipment locations and configurations of flashing details
shall be carefully coordinated with the mechanical, electrical, and communication drawings and details.