Architectural and Engineering Design Standards

(avery) #1

Rev. 13 November 1, 2016

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This document has been prepared to assist Design Professionals preparing professional services in the design,
construction and maintenance of UIHC Facilities. This document has been reviewed and approved by a Standards
Oversight Committee made up of UIHC representatives from Capital Management, Maintenance/Engineering,
Communication Technology Services, Respiratory Therapy, Epidemiology, Ancillary Services, Guest
Services/Housekeeping, and Safety & Security.
Preferred materials guidelines have been se lected on the basis of extensive analysis. However, the most important
guideline in the selection of construction materials is the strict compliance with mandatory building codes and industry
reference standards. There may be particular circumstances in which, in the judgment of the Design Professional, cost
effective viable alternatives are warranted. We welcome such recommendations and will consider each one of them
carefully prior to implementation. As a part of the design process, the Design Professional sh all submit in writing
rationale for areas where specified manufacturers or products are not being utilized. Those instances require Owner
approval. A form has been provided in Appendix K, and shall be filled in by the Design Professional. The
completed form shall be returned to the Owner for approval during design.
The University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics incorporates green principles in the placement, design and construction
of new facilities and major renovation projects, targeting a minimum standard of Leadership in Energy and
Environmental Design (LEED) Silver certification. Major project is defined as a facility over 20,000 gross square feet.
A major capital renovation is defined as a construction budget that will cost more than 50% of the facility’s
replacement value. UIHC accomplishes this certification by focusing on the ecological, social and economic
performance of each project. Design Professionals are required to adhere to these principles and strive for
sustainability in all designs. This document will be updated periodically. Updates to this standard will only be
made after careful consideration by members of the UIHC Standards Oversight Committee. A procedure has been
developed for formal application of changes to the standard. Contact the Capital Management Department for the
applic able forms.
Use of this standard does not relieve the Design Professional from adhering to engineering practices, applicable
codes, etc. Where there is a conflict between the contents of these standard and applicable codes that which is more
stringent will take precedence.
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