Rev. 13 November 1, 2016
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iii. All .dwgs files shall have all x-refs bound and all raster attachments included. Entities created with
AutoCAD extensions shall be exploded or exported so they are correctly represented in AutoCAD,
AutoCAD map or AutoCAD Set or Architectural Desktop.
iv. The CD(s) or DVD(s) shall be labeled with U of I Project Number and Construction Set or Record
Documents as appropriate.
2.1.6 FM Global Roof Compliance Process
UIHC is insured by FM Global. As such, the roof ’s design and installation will be required to meet FM Global
standards. There are s pecific processes that shall be performed in proper sequence by the Design Professional and
Contractor, t o ensure tha t FM Glob al r equ irement s are m et. The Design Proc ess sha ll be pe rfor med by the Design
Professional pr ior to bidding the project. The Construction-Phase Process shall be perfor med by the Contractor, in
accor dance w ith requirement s s pe lled out in the bid documents by t he Design Professional.
Design Process
- Determine interior fire, external fire, and wind ratings using FM Global RoofNav website rating calculator
pr ocess. Severe Hail (SH) rating to be used. - After determining ratings, perform search for FM Global A pproved R oofNav
Assemblies and associated Assembly Numbers f or specified roo f membrane manufacturers, using t he RoofNav
da tabase. Roof system selection within RoofNav shall include o nly those c omponents and application methods
meeting UIHC's r oofing standards, and meeting membrane manufacturer's requirements for issuance of the
warranty types as r equired by U IHC's r oofing standards. - Include RoofNav Assembly Numbers in the bid documents for the specified roof systems.
- Specify a ll aspects of t he r oof s ystem (i.e. decking, carpe nt ry, ins ulation/cover board, roofing membrane, and
roof-related sheet metal) to meet the requirements of F M Global Loss Prevention Data S heets (LPDS) 1-28, 1-29,
and 1-49 and RoofNav. - Submit bid specifications to FM Glob al for acceptance f or bidding. Thomas Lauer of F M Global i s UIHC’s
representative, and should be contacted for assistance with review c oordination. Tom can be reached at
319.466.1190 or [email protected]. - Incorporate the resolution of F M Global’s review comments into the final bid documents or by addenda if review
comments a re received a fter bid documents are issued.