Rev. 13 November 1, 2016
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3.1 UIHC Room Numbering
The Department of Engi ne ering Services assigns a ll r oom numbe rs within the Universit y of Iowa Hos pitals a nd Clinics.
The D esign Prof essional should submit an electronic f loor plan f or r oom number assignments t oward the end of the
schematic design after the f loor plan is set. Drawings should be sent to Renae Meyer at (rena [email protected]) in
an AutoCAD format. Please allow up to ten working days for room number assignment. The Design Professional
shall us e the assigned r oom numbe rs f or a ll design deve lopment drawings a nd schedules.
Subs equent ly, when there are any changes to the f loor plan during t he later s tages of design or construction the Design
Professional is responsible for sending electronic dr awings to Engine ering Services f or room number
No project should mov e be yond Sche matic D esign without U IHC assigned room numbe rs.