Rev. 13 November 1, 2016
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a) Where firestop systems not listed by any listing agency are required due to project conditions, submit a
substitution proposal with evidence specified, to be reviewed for owner a pp rov al.
b) Do no t conceal firestopping installations until the Owner’s inspection agency or authorities having
jurisdiction have examined each i nstallation. Owner, Design Professional and Ins talling Cont ractor will
conduct and document a compr ehe nsive i nspection of all installed firestopping.
c) Installer Qua lifications: Firm mus t be qualified by having e xperienced staff who are properly t rained to
install the s pecified pr oducts, by completing the manufacturer's certified product installation traini ng.
Cont ractor must provide certif icate of q ualification.
d) At project cl os eout, p rovide to Owner or Owners Representative an executed copy of the manufacturer's
standard limited w arranty against manufacturing defect, outlining i ts terms, conditions, and exclus ions from
e) Provide copy of all engineering judgments to owner.
4.8 Division 08 – Openings
- Hardware substi tutions are not permissible unless approved by chief architect
- Design Professional will provide a door schedule electronically in an Excel spreadsheet
- Door security designations will follow the Design Standard designations found in this Standard, section 4. 20
- Consider roof system thicknesses when designing flashing substrates and setting elevations of doors, windows, and louvers
adjacent to roofs - Provide 12" minimum fl ashing height above insulation at all base fl ashing substrates, including below doors, windows, and
louvers. - Provide soldered, stainless steel fl ashings within adjacent constructions (i.e. masonry, siding, windows, doors, louvers, etc.) with
watertight end dams and weeps to separate walls and wall penetrations from roofs and prevent moisture infiltration into walls. - All doors in Patient and Public Access areas shall be 42” wide, minimum.
08 12 00 Steel Door Frames
- 14ga. on exterior doors and interior doors over 4’-0” w ide.
- Doors greater than 3’ wide r equire 4 hinges.
- 16ga. on all other interior doors.
- Corner joints shall b e m itered, interloc ked, welded and ground smooth.
- Frames sha ll be template reinforced for hardware 7ga. on hinges, 12 ga. e verywhere e lse.
- Acceptable manufacturers: Ceco, Cur ries, Steelcraft, o r O wner approved equal.
- Use 4” Hospital Stops on inpatient areas, treatment, procedure and any other areas where integral cove bases are
required. - All frames to be grouted full.
08 13 00 Hollow Metal Flush Doors
- All doors fire rated at 90 minutes or hi gher shall be hollow metal and be UL fire rated and meet NFPA 80
standard. - Doors greater than 3’ wide r equire 4 hinges.
- Painted hollow metal doors shall be used in cross-corridor a nd double egress situations.
- Exterior : SDI-100 Grade III, 16ga. galvanized faces, seamless edges, R-10, polyuretha ne core.