Rev. 13 November 1, 2016
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f) Windows, factory glazing, thermal barrier and related materials shall have a 10 year gua rantee.
g) Thermal break sha ll be Insulbar, nylon impr egna ted fiberglass. Polyurethane thermal breaks are prohibited.
h) Acceptable manufacturers: Wausau 4250iV Insulbar, EFCO, Visuline Series or Owner approved equal.
i) All new e xterior aluminum windows shall pass the following field tests (testing agency s hall be procured
by the Owner) in the presence of UIHC Quality Assurance personnel, UIHC Project Mana ger, General
Contractor, and wind ow manufacturer representative.
i. ASTM E 783-02, Field Measurement of Air Leakage Through Installed Exterior Windows and Doors.
ii. ASTM E 1105-00, Field Determina tion of Wat er Penetration of Installed Exterior Windows,
Skylights, Doors, and Curtain Walls, by Unifor m of Cyclic St at ic Air Pressure D ifference.
iii. AAMA 501.2-03, Quality Assurance and Diagnostic Water Leakage Field
Check of Installed Storefronts, Curtain Walls, and Sloped Glazing.
08 51 23 Vision Panels
- 18ga. cold rolled steel, m itered, welded corners with countersunk m ounting holes.
- Anemostat Door P roducts BFL 123 or Owner approv ed equal.
08 71 00 Door Hardware
- Finish: United States Standard US 26D satin chrome for interior do ors, SS for exterior doors.
- Hinges: Full mor tised, square cornered, 5 knuckled, ba ll bearing, template, polished and plated- Hager,
Mckinn ey, S tanl ey. - Pivots: Heavy Duty Rixon.
- Swing Clear Hinges: McKinney.
- Locks, latches and deadb olts: Sargent 8200 mor tise, LW1- L, L escutcheon, L lever, curved lip strike, 7 pin
cylinder SFIC. - All doors s hall be positive latching; r oller latches are prohibited.
- Strikes: SS Dustproof with curved lip.
- Edge guard: marker EG308 with “adjust-a-screw.”
- SS Piano Hinges: Assa Abloy marker HG305 with “adjust-a-screw.”
- Panic Devices: Von Duprin.
NOTE: All panic devices used on fire rated openings must be UL fire rated.
a) Single Doors: Von Duprin series 99L 9975 Morti se x 996 trim with standard O6 lever or 9475.
b) Double Doors: Both leaves 9447 (Impact) concealed vertical rod only.
c) High Traffic areas, such as corridors, must be used on metal doors only: Von Duprin 94 series.
- Coordinator and Carry Bar for double doors: Trimco 3092 series; use open back strike when possible. Can
eliminate by using both concealed vertical rod. - Door Closers: LCN Super Smoothee Series 4041XP, Aluminum.
- Life Safety Closures:
a) Doors with swings less than 105° - LCN Sentronic Series 4040 SE, 120v, Aluminum or LCN Super
Smoothee series 4041XP aluminum with wall mounted magnetic door hold open LCN 7800 series 120V. Wall
mounted magnet is preferred.
b) Doors with swings greater than 105° − LCN Sentronic Series 4410 ME push-side, 4310 ME on pull-side,
120v, Aluminum. Wall mounted magnet is preferred.