Architectural and Engineering Design Standards

(avery) #1

Rev. 13 November 1, 2016

Page | 44

4.15 Division 21 – Fire Suppression

21 05 00 Common Work Results for Fire Suppression

  1. During the design phase and prior to submittal of Construction Documents, coordinate all fire protection systems
    and equipment involving pre-action systems, Inergen systems, standpipes, fire pumps, fire pump controllers, and
    cross-ties with the Owner. With the Owner’s Rep.’s authorization, conduct an interim design review meeting with
    personnel from the Safety and Security Department.

  2. The Design Professional shall provide a fire/safety plan for the project phases. The “fire plan” shall include but
    not be limited to:
    a. Codes/Standards used.
    b. Occupancy – Designation and number of occupants.
    c. Infection/Life Safety Manual.
    d. Fire/Smoke wall rating.
    e. Fire/Smoke marking.
    f. Sprinkler hazard level (density).
    g. Fire zones.
    h. Extinguishment system(s).

  3. During the design phase, discuss with the Owner the condition of the existing fire protection piping,
    Microbiological Induced Corrosion (MIC) has been a problem at some points within the existing fire protection
    piping system. Replacement of some sections of the existing fire protection piping grid may be required as a part
    of specific projects.

  4. Drawings for all fire pr otection systems shall be submitted to the State Fire Marshall and Factory Mut ua l f or
    their review and appr ov al in writing. A courtesy c opy s hall be s ent to UIHC Safety and security for
    information and review. Where the project sche dule permits, the comments f rom the S tate Fire Marshall s ha ll
    be integrated into the bid documents prior to the printing of the fina l bid document. (Turn- around times vary
    for State Fire Marshall r eview but fr eque ntly the turn- around time is 45 days.)

  5. The bid documents shall include a note that sprinkler line dr aini ng can only be sche duled for Tuesdays,
    Wednesdays, a nd Thursdays.

21 05 53 Identification for Fire Suppression Piping and Equipment

  1. Provide equipment identification on all equipment furnished under this division. Where practical, provide
    plastic lamina te tags indicating the equipment identification number in a clearly visibl e spot. Where no
    appropriate flat surface exists for a plastic la minate tag, provide brass tags on chains at tached to the e quipment.
    These equi pment ta gs are distinct from the Preventive Maintena nce numbers that the Owner’s pe rsonnel i nstall
    after the construction phase.

  2. Coor di nate all e quipment identification numbers w ith the Owner. It i s t he Owner’s i ntent to assign, during t he
    design phase, plan m arks to all equi pment items.

21 11 00 Facility Fire Suppression Water-Service Piping

  1. Standpipes
    a. Standpipes shall be installed in the corner of stairwells while allowing the code- required clearance to remain.

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