Architectural and Engineering Design Standards

(avery) #1

Rev. 13 November 1, 2016

Page | 46

21 13 00 Fire Suppression Sprinkler Systems

21 13 13 Wet-Pipe Automatic Sprinkler Systems

  1. The standard head for light hazard installation within this facility shall be an FM- approved, quick
    response, semi-recessed head.

  2. Quick response concealed heads shall only be used where authorized by the Owner.

  3. For la y-in and metal pa n ceilings, c enter all s prinkler heads in their r espective ceiling tile.
    For radiant panel ceilings, avoid installing sprinkler heads in active radiant panels. Whe re spa cing
    requirements dictate that a sprinkler head must be installed in a loc ation occupied by a radiant panel, locate the
    head s uc h that i t does no t conf lict with the r adiant pi ping attached to the t op of t he pane l.

  4. Design all sprinkler heads to fully comply with the NFPA 13 requirement s for spacing , while taking into
    account sof fits, ceiling -mounted medical equi pment, cabine try and other obstructi ons w ithin a s pecific room
    or a rea.

  5. All sprinkler piping shall be concealed above ceiling, unless a uthorized by t he Owner.

  6. Install a tamper-pr oof ball valve (with a zone addressabl e module) and a ½” drain leg in each el ectrical room or

  7. Install upright heads with pr otective cages in all telecommunications rooms, electrical closets and main
    electrical rooms.

  8. Sprinkler piping shall be ASTM A53, Schedule 40, Black.

21 13 19 PreAction (Dry) Sprinkler Systems

  1. Pre-action systems shall be cross-zoned, double interlocked, self-resetting systems. Pre- action systems shall be
    complete, prefabricated assemblies and shall be manufactured by Reliable, or Viking “Total Pac” unless the Owner
    authorizes otherwise.

  2. Pre-action systems shall be installed in main elevator equipment rooms, surgical suites and other Owner authorized
    areas. In the past, many areas with computer equipment or medical equipment with higher replacement costs have
    received pre-action systems.

21 22 00 Clean-Agent Fire-Extinguishing Systems

  1. Inergen systems shall be installed in conjunction with back-up pre-action systems in those areas where the Owner
    deems any water damage to equipment would be extremely expensive or disruptive to ongoing Hospital operations.
    Consult with Owner for applications where Inergen may be installed below raised floors.

21 30 00 Fire Pumps

  1. Fire pumps shall be manufactured by ITT A-C Pump, Aurora Pump, Peerless, or Owner approved equal.

  2. All fire pumps shall be electric, horizontal split case fire pumps with OSHA acceptable coupling guards. The fire
    pump and motor shall be mounted on a one-piece steel frame.

  3. All drain points on the piping to and from each fire pump shall be extended to a floor drain or trench drain capable
    of handling the normally expected drainage from that system.

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