Architectural and Engineering Design Standards

(avery) #1

Rev. 13 November 1, 2016

Page | 66

Cooling C oil Condensate Pipi ng S ystems

  1. Materials
    a. Install Type L ASTM B88 copper with wrought fittings.

  2. Routings
    a. The cooling coil or air handling system shall be installed as high as necessary to avoid having to construct a
    trap that would extend through the floor into a level below. If a condensate trap assembly is unavoidable,
    completely seal against water leaks through the floor penetration.
    b. Minimize the lengths of condensate pipes installed on the floors of Mechanical
    c. Equipment Rooms.

  3. Insulation
    a. Insulate all condensate lines that extend through occupied spaces or the above-ceiling areas over occupied

23 21 23 Hydronic Pumps

  1. Circulating Pumps
    a. Install all floor-mounted circulating pumps on concrete housekeeping pads.
    b. Include means to manually balance each circulating pump. Triple-duty valves shall not be used for balancing.
    c. Include pressure taps directly at the suction and discharge ports of each pump for accurate measurement of
    d. Parallel pumps with unequal heads shall not be specified.

23 22 00 Steam and Condensate Pipi ng and Pumps

  1. UIHC Steam Design Criteria
    a. Designs that make modifications to the building steam system shall be coordinated with U of I Physical Plant.
    b. Information system points
    i. On steam mains downstream of each service entrance (from the U of I campus steam distribution
    system) monitoring points shall include points for steam pressure and temperature, both upstream
    and downstream of the PRV.
    ii. Monitoring of the condensate pump status and level alarms.
    iii. Monitoring of the end sections of major steam grids is desirable.
    iv. The Design Professional shall include all of the required information system points in any upgrade
    or new work associated with the identified portions of the steam piping system.

  2. Materials
    a. For interior steam and condensate piping with pressures (below 75 psig), and above 2 inch diameter, install
    i. Sche dul e 40 ASTM A53 seamless black s teel with welde d joints.
    ii. Type L ASTM B88 copper with wrought fittings.
    b. For interior steam and condensate piping with pressures below 75 psig, and 2 inch diameter or less, install
    i. Schedule 40 ASTM A53 seamless black steel with screwed or welded joints.
    ii. Type L ASTM B88 copper with wrought fittings.
    c. For interior steam and condensate piping with pressures 75 psig and hi gher, and above 2 inch diameter,
    install Schedule 80 ASTM A106 GrB seamless black steel with threaded forged steel 200 0# Class fittings.

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