Architectural and Engineering Design Standards

(avery) #1

Rev. 13 November 1, 2016

Page | 69

a. Fire dampers shall be Style B construction with the damper blades out of the air stream unless otherwise
authorized by Owner.
b. Fusible links shall separate at 160  F with adj
c. Fire dampers shall be installed in a manner that is accessible for testing and inspection. The access door
should be as large as possible to get both arms in the duct to replace a fusible link.

  1. Balancing Dampers
    a. Primary volume dampers shall be provided in the duct branch that serves the diffuser or register. Provide
    individual volume dampers at each diffuser or register for minor adjustments.
    b. The Design Professional shall, during the design phase, meet with the anticipated Testing and Balancing
    Contractor, and review the adequacy of the location and number of balancing dampers for each duct

23 33 46 Flexible Ducts

  1. Flexible duct sections shall have a maximum length of five feet.

23 34 00 HVAC Fans

  1. Return Fans
    a. Return fans shall have variable spe ed controllers wherever supply fans are controlled by VFDs.
    b. For ganged return fans, pr ovide tight -sealing isolation da mpe rs to compl etely bl oc k airflows during
    maintena nce and backdraft dampers for no rmal operation periods.

  2. General Exhaust Fans
    a. Status monitoring shall be pr ovided for all exhaust fans.
    b. Int erna l s ound attenuation l ini ng up to 40 f eet upstream of t he fan i nlet is a cceptabl e.

23 36 00 Air Terminal Units

  1. Terminal Air Boxes (TABs) shall have electronic actuators.

  2. TABs shall have direct digital controls, including discharge supply air temperature, damper position, reheat
    coil valve position, and air volume.

  3. TABs which require heating shall have two row heating coils.

  4. All TABs shall be provided with variable air volume capability, even if the specific unit is designed for constant
    volume airflow.

23 37 00 Air Outlets and Inlets

23 37 13 Diffusers, Registers and Grilles

  1. Carefully review locations of each diffuser and register to avoid drafts on patients in each patient room.

    1. Supply and Return diffusers shall be white Model SPD Square Plaque Diffuser.

23 38 16 Fume Hood Exhaust Fans

  1. Provide durable, weatherproof flexible connections at inlets.

23 70 00 Central HVAC Equipment

  1. General
    a. All air handling units shall be the draw-thru type unl ess a he ating ho t water coi l is installed do wnstream
    of the chilled water coil. Blow-thru units sha ll be avoided becaus e o f the potential for moisture c arry over
    and condens ation on the f ilter media.

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