Architectural and Engineering Design Standards

(avery) #1

Rev. 13 November 1, 2016

Page | 70

b. Specify extra capacity on all components within the air ha nd ling unit to pr ovide future flexibility for the
spaces to be served. Review with the Owner the magnitude of the extra c apacity to be spe cified on each
c. For air handling un its not located on slab on grade, locate all uni ts to eli minate the need to extend
condens ate traps through t he floor.

  1. Housings

a. (^) Specify Type 304 stainless steel liners throughout the entire unit.
b. Specify all interior air handling units on a concrete housekeeping pad, at least 4 inches h igh.

  1. Fans
    a. Dual fans (primary and backup fans) shall be specified on all un its serving patient rooms or other c ritical
    b. All supply fans above 2000 cfm shall be furnished with variable frequency dr ives (VFDs). Only Toshiba
    and ABB are accept able unless authorized othe rwise by the Owner.
    c. At pr oject completion, the Contractor shall turn ov er a set of normal replacement parts f or each fan,
    including belts.
    d. Vortex dampe rs shall not be used at t he f an inlet.

  2. Cooling Coils
    a. Cooling coil selection s hall be ba sed upon 14 de grees temperature difference between the entering chilled
    water and the leaving chilled water, un less authorized otherwise by the Owner.
    b. Stainless steel drip pa ns shall be employed for all air conditioning condensate.
    Conde nsate pans and/or air handling un its shall not be installed so low as to require the t rap in the
    condensate l ine to penetrate the f loor level.
    c. Delta P control valves shall be specified. Refer to the Mechanical Piping Section of this standard.
    d. Pos ition of control valves shall be monitored. Refer to the Tempe rature Control s
    Section of t his standard.
    e. Dual dr ainage lines shall be spe cified from all condens ate drip pans to the nearest discharge point ( usually
    this will be a floor d rain).

  3. Steam Heating Coils
    a. Steam heating c oils s hall have int egral face and bypass dampers.
    b. Steam heating coils s hall be capable of a 80 degree F air temperature rise (-25 degrees
    F to 55 degrees F).

  4. Heating Hot Water Coils
    a. Heating hot water coils are acceptable for heating coi ls ins talled downstream of the steam heating coil.
    Heating hot water coils sha ll no t be used for primary heating in air handling.

  5. Pre-Filter Sections
    a. Filters shall be of the preformed, pleated type.
    b. All filter racks shall be gasketed.
    c. Typically pre-filters are 30% efficient minimum.
    d. Filter access doors shall be specified on both sides of the filter section.
    e. Roll filters are not acceptable for pre-filters.
    f. At project completion, the Contractor shall replace all filters.

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