Rev. 13 November 1, 2016
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b. The basis of design shall be Square D.
- Lighting and Appliance Panelboards
a. Lighting and Applianc e pane lboa rds shall be factory assembled, dead- front, metal enclosed with copper
bussing and copper ground bar. Provisions for additional circuit breakers shall be such that field
addition to connectors or mounting hardware will not be required to add circuit br eakers to the panelboa rds.
Fronts shall include hingeddoors and have flush, stainless steel, cylinder tumbler-type loc ks with catches and
spring-loaded door pulls. All pa nelboard locks shall be keyed alike. A circuitry directory frame and card
with a clear plastic covering sha ll be prov ide d on the inside of the door.
b. All m ulti-section panels shall be the same dimensions.
c. Provide pane lboards with 200 percent rated ne ut ral and 200 pe rcent rated neutral conductor where they
serve hi gh harmonic loads such as computer rooms.
d. Loadcenters are not a llowed.
e. The basis of design shall be Square D I-Line Series (277/ 480 volt) and Square D NQOD Series (120/208
26 24 19 Motor-Control Centers
- Motor Control Centers
a. Motor cont rol center shall be dead-front mul ti- unit type, consisting of an assembly of vertical stacks with
each stack containing cubicles to provide equipment, including space. Horizontal copper 600 amp minimum
bussing across top and 300 amp mini mum vertical copper bussing down each stack. Include copper ground
bus entire length. Vertical sections designe d so matchi ng section s can be added later. Starters shall be per
the Motor S tarter section. - Motor Starters
a. Magne tic Starters: Starters shall ha ve thermal overload relays of the melting all oy type sized per
manuf acturer's recommendations for pr otection of the mot or ; electrical interlocks as required for the control
sequenc es, cont rol transformer within each enclosure where required to provide cont rol voltage, manual reset,
off-auto selector switch, and pilot lights (green for stopped and red for running). The Building Automation
System usually controls HVAC motors.
b. Combination Starters: Starter shall ha ve same features as magnetic starters.
Operating ha ndle for fusible disconnect switch mechani sm shall indi cate and control switch position with
enclos ure door open or closed; capable of being locked in the off position and mechanically interlocked to
pr event opening unless switch within the enclosure is open.
c. AC Fractional HP Manual Starters: Starters shall have thermal overload relay of the melting alloy type for
protection of 120 VAC motors of 1/2 HP and less, quick-make quick-break trip free toggle mechanisms, pilot
light, and toggle operated handle with handle lock-off.
d. Solid-State Reduced Voltage Starters: Starters shall utilize silicon controlled rectifiers (SCRs). Each
starter shall have a circuit breaker, closed-loop feedback system to maintain motor acceleration at constant
rate, and shorting contactor to bypass SCR's at 100% output.
e. Two-speed motor starters shall not be used. Utilize standard motor with VFD.