Rev. 13 November 1, 2016
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26 27 00 Electrical Distribution Equipment
- General:
a. Manufacturer for all of the electrical distribution equipment shall be Square D.
b. Series rating of switchboard and panelboard circuit breakers is not allowed.
c. All multi-pole circuit breakers shall be single-operating handle, common trip type.
Handle-ties shall not be used.
d. Enclosure types in electrical rooms with wet sprinklers shall be NEMA 3R.
e. All circuit breakers shall be plug-on type. Bolt-on type shall not be used.
26 27 26 Wiring Devices
- Switches and Receptacles
a. All switches shall be industrial grade, side and back wired. All receptacles shall be hospital grade in patient
areas. Verify switch types with Owner’s Rep. in other areas for each project.
b. Color of switches and receptacles shall be white or ivory.
c. Wall switches shall be as follows:
i. All standard toggle light switches - 20 amp, 120-277 volt rated.
ii. All switches serving emergency circuits shall have "red" handles.
d. Receptacles shall be as follows:
i. Duplex Receptacles: 2 pole, 3 wire grounding type, back and side wired, 20 amp, 125 volt rated,
NEMA 5-20R configuration.
ii. iGFI receptacles shall be duplex receptacles with integral test and reset button.
iii. All receptacles connected to emergency circuits shall have "red" bodies.
iv. 120/208 volt receptacles shall be similar in construction to NEMA 5-20R except shall be simplex type
(one receptacle per mounting strap) and shall have NEMA configuration to match the plug.
v. Tamper resistant receptacles should be installed in any area accessible to the public, including, but not
limited to: exam rooms, waiting rooms, procedure rooms, play rooms, inpatient rooms, corridors, etc.
e. Housekeeping outlets shall be spaced 30-40 feet apart in all corridors. Outlets shall be 110 volt duplex with a
110 volt single labeled for Floor Machine on a separate 20 amp breaker.
f. Cover Plates: Stainless steel, smooth metal, Type 302. Plate types for different utilities (dimmers, switches,
receptacles, voice/data, etc.) shall match. - Dimming Switches
a. Incandescent Dimmers: Solid- state dimmer capable of controlling 120 VAC incandescent and
quartz halogen lighting i ntens ity ov er complete range from zero to full light intensity. Unit sha ll contain filter
to e liminate noise and RFI. Dimmer shall have an integral on/ off switch.
b. Low Voltage Dimmers: Similar to incandescent but specifically made for low voltage lamps.
c. Fluo rescent Dimmers: Single-pole, semi-conductor modular type AC di mmers for fluorescent f ixtures
with 60 hertz, wattage and voltage as indicated, and with electromagnetic filte rs to redu ce noise and
interference to mini mum. They shall be constructed with continuously adjus table trim potentiometer for
adjustment of low end dimming; and with anodized heat sinks. Dimmer shall have an integral on/off
d. Dimming fluorescent lamps shall be avoided and only used where approv ed by