Rev. 13 November 1, 2016
Page | 82
c. Disconnect switches for fractional horsepower motors larger than ½ horsepower, for integral horsepower
motors, and for equipment of similar capacity shall break all ungrounded conductors and shall be quick-
make, quick-break with interlocking covers. Units shall be capable of being locked in the off position.
d. Disconnect switches installed indoors shall have NEMA 1 enclosures. Disconnect switches installed outdoors
or in wet locations shall have raintight NEMA 3R enclosures, however, NEMA 4X stainless steel type shall be
considered for each project based on the environment.
26 41 00 Facility Lightning Protection
- General
a. Lightning protection systems shall conform to NFPA 780 and UL 96A for Lightning
b. The system shall be installed by, or under the direct supervision of a firm actively engaged in the installation of
UL approved Master Labeled Lightning Protection systems. The firm shall be listed by UL.
c. Any new structure shall have a lightning risk assessment done pe r NFPA 780
d. Appendix H to determine the ri sk of damage due to li ghtning.
e. All new large additions similar to the existing four to eight story pavilions shall have a lightning protection
system. Smaller additions, structures, or buildings shall ha ve a lightning protection system if so determined
by the light ning risk a ssessment. - Materials
a. Air terminals shall be ½” x 24” solid round, ni ckel-plated copper points to extend to at least 10” above the
roof o r parapet with h eavy duty br onze cases.
b. Ground terminals shall be copper clad steel or copper ground rods, ¾” in diameter driven vertically into
the earth to a depth of at least 10 feet. The ground rods shall be connected to the conductor by heavy duty, 2-
bolt br onze clamps.
c. Roof and down conductors shall be stranded copper cable with 28 strands of 14 gauge wire, and weigh at
least 3 75 pounds per 1,000 feet. - Installation
a. Down c onductors shall be completely c oncealed and p rotected with P VC c onduit.
b. One down lead shall be i nterconnected to the water pipe s ystem.
c. All down c onductors s hall be directly connected to t he ground rods.
d. Conductors shall be interconnected to prov ide at least two electric paths t o ground.
e. Upward direction for lateral con ductors interconnecting air terminals shall be avoide d.
f. Conductor be nds shall have a radius of at l est 8” at an angle not less than 90 degrees.
g. Bond metal components of the building i nto the l ightning protection system.
h. Structural steel shall be grounded with 25 feet of #2/0 ba re copper conductor 2”
below the bottom of each c olumn footing pad.
i. Systems s hall be tested so there are no loose connections.