Rev. 13 November 1, 2016
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f. Ceiling types shall b e verified w ith the ceiling plan.
g. Sus pende d fixtures s hall be supported to the b uilding structure.
- Applications
a. Emergency powered light fixt ures connected to the critical branc h shall be prov ided in mechanical rooms,
electrical rooms, elevator equipment rooms, telecommuni cations clos ets, medi cine rooms, pharmacies,
ICU’s, operating rooms, and larger w aiting rooms. Refer to NEC 517 f or r equ irements.
b. Incandescent fixtures shall only be used where app roved by the Owner. If possibl e, instead substitute with
compact fluorescent type lamps. Whe re incandescent lamps are used ( either line v ol tage or low voltage),
di scus s w ith Owner whether to p rov ide dimming f or these lamps.
c. Fixt ures shall be placed at heights and loc ations to allow for easy access for maintenanc e a nd re-lamping.
d. General Guide f or Lighting f or Areas of the Facility
i. Where 2’ x 4’ troffers a re used, they shall be 3-lamp or 4-lamp type to minimize the quantity of
fixtures. 2- lamp fixtur es are acceptable in corridors, storage rooms, or other areas w here l ower
light levels are desired.
ii. Offices and Work A reas: Utilize 2’ x 4’ recessed fl uorescent t roffers with 1 ½” x 1 ½” x ¾”
aluminum parabolic louver. The use of occupancy sensors, daylight sensors (where there are exterior
windows), and two-level switching should be considered.
iii. Conference Rooms: Utilize two-level switched fluorescent lighting. Where incandescent lighting
is desired, it shall not be the only source of lighting. Provide under counter fixtures where there
are countertops with cabinets above.
iv. Corridors: In patient areas, use indirect fixtures utilizing four foot fluorescent lamps. In non-patient
areas, use indirect, wall-mounted, or recessed fluorescent fixtures utilizing four foot fluorescent
lamps. In the older areas of the facility (Boyd Tower, General Hospital, and South Wing), the lower
ceiling height will not allow for indirect wall mounted light fixtures. Low voltage track lighting shall
be used to highlight artwork or other features, and shall be controlled separately with a dimmer. All
lighting except the emergency egress lighting shall be interfaced with the Building Automation
v. Waiting Rooms and Elevator Lobbies: Utilize a fluorescent or compact fluorescent light
source. All lighting except the emergency egress lighting shall be interfaced with the Building
Automation System.
vi. Mechanical, Electrical, and Telecommunications Rooms: Utilize 4 foot industrial strip fixtures with
vii. Exam Rooms: Utilize 2’ x 4’ lensed troffers.
viii. Operating Rooms: Utilize 2’ x 4’ lensed surgical troffers. One shall contain an emergency battery
ix. Patient Rooms: Utilize a combination of fixtures to accomplish lighting for the varying tasks in the
room. Fixtures above the bed shall be compatible with patient bed controls. Nightlights shall be
recessed in wall with an LED light source. Provide under counter fixtures where there are
countertops with cabinets above.
x. Restrooms: Utilize wall mounted over-vanity fixtures with multiple linear T-8 lamps. Fixtures by
Keen or Alkco.
xi. Specialty: Utilize fixtures constructed specifically for special types of rooms (example: non-ferrous
fixtures in MRI rooms).
xii. Task Lighting: Fixtures shall utilize T8 or T5 fluorescent lamps, shall be 120 volt, shall have an
internal switch, and shall have an opaque task lens. Utilize task lighting where appropriate.