Microsoft Word - APAM-2 4.1.doc

(Marcin) #1
Review questions

  1. Employers and employees’ expectations in the terms and conditions of
    employment are first determined during job advertisement. However, these
    employment conditions are rarely well established. Discuss.

  2. The link between recruitment and selection and open performance appraisal is
    obscured by both job descriptions and performance agreements. Comment.

  3. Despite continued efforts to implement performance appraisal policy in
    Tanzanian public service, these efforts have continuously failed. By using an
    example from a ministry, department or agency, explain the major reasons for
    the failures.

References and recommended reading

ALMHDIE, A. & S.M. NYAMBEGERA (2004), Human resource management in Libya. In: K.N. Kamoche,
Y.A. Debrah, F.M. Hortwitz & G.N. Muuka, eds, Managing human resources in Africa. London and
New Delhi: Routledge.
ARYEE, S. (2004), Human resource management in Ghana. In: K.N. Kamoche, Y.A. Debrah, F.M.
Hortwitz & G.N. Muuka, eds, Managing human resources in Africa. London and New Delhi:
AWORTWI, N. & J. VONDEE (2007), Drifting Towards Convergence? Motivation and Performance
Management in State and Private Companies in the Provision of Telecom Service in Ghana. Public
Administration and Development 27(4): 261-272.
BEUGRE, C. (2004), Human resource management in Ivory Coast. In: K.N. Kamoche, Y.A. Debrah, F.M.
Hortwitz & G.N. Muuka, eds, Managing human resources in Africa. London and New Delhi:
DEBRAH, Y. & G. OFORI (2005), Emerging managerial competencies of professionals in the Tanzanian
construction industry. The International Journal of Human Resource Management 16(8): 1401-1441.
HASSAN,^ M.K. (2007), Assessment of the Effectiveness of Employee Career Development. Morogoro:
Mzumbe University.
KAMOCHE, K.N., Y.A. DEBRAH, F.M. HORTWITZ & G.N. MUUKA (2004), Managing human resources in
Africa. London and New Delhi: Routledge.
KIRAGU, K. & G. MUTAHABA (2006), Public Service Reform in Eastern and Southern Africa: Issues and
Challenges. Dar es Salaam: Mkuki na Nyota.
LADO, A. & M. WILSON (1994), Human resource systems and sustained competitive advantage. A
competency based perspective. The Academy of Management Review 19(4): 699-727.
MCCOURT, W. (2001), Towards a Strategic Model of Employment Reform in Developing Countries:
Explaining and Remedying Experiences to Date. International Journal of Human Resource
Management 12(1): 56-75.
MICHAEL, L. (2005), The Contribution of CAFRAD to Public Administration in Africa. International
Review of Administrative Sciences 71(2): 327-336.
MPABANGA, D. (2004), Human resource management in Botswana. In: K.N. Kamoche, Y.A. Debrah,
F.M. Hortwitz & G.N. Muuka, eds, Managing human resources in Africa. London and New Delhi:
MULIKITA, N.W. (2007), Applying Results Based Management Strategies in African Public
Administration. Challenges and Opportunities. African Journal of Public Administration and
Management July: 73- 86.
MUSHI, C. (2008), Assessment of Effectiveness of Recruitment Procedures in Local Government
Authorities in TanzaniaFout! Bladwijzer niet gedefinieerd.. Morogoro: Mzumbe University.
OKPARA, J.O & P. WYNN (2008), Human Resource Practices in a Transition Economy: Challenges and
Prospects. Management research News 3(1): 57-76.
SCHULER, R.S. (2000), The internationalisation of human resource management. Journal of International
Management 56(3): 178-191.
SHEERA, P. & S. ORBELL (1998): Implementations, intentions and repeated behaviour. Augmenting the
predictive validity of the theory of planned behaviour. European Journal of Social Psychology 29(2-
3): 349-369.

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