Microsoft Word - APAM-2 4.1.doc

(Marcin) #1

  • Sixth teamwork and accountability by promoting individual, functional and cross
    functional teamwork and accountability.

The core values centres on two pillars. The first is corporate social responsibility
through active involvement in, and improvement of, the environment and community,
and the second is communication by providing the structures and channels, which leads
to honest and meaningful communication, and freedom of constructive and respectful
Therefore, the core business policy is to process tobacco leaf and add value to it with
the objective of sustainable growth and development. The organisation’s survival de-
pends on the quality of the product produced at a profit. Being a fee – for – service or-
ganisation it is dedicated to delivering clients a good quality service in the Tanzanian
tobacco industry. TTPL provides tobacco processing services to main tobacco dealers
(in competition with DIMON and SAMCU factories) namely Tanzania Leaf Tobacco
Company Limited (TLTC), The Standard Commercial Company Limited (STANCOM)
and TOPSERVE (T) Ltd.
Due to the nature of the product being an agricultural one, the tobacco processing
operations follows a strict seasonal time frame. The company has three main depart-
ments namely, production, engineering and administration. The production department
houses four departments. These are processing, green leaf accounting system, quality
control, and leaf operation. The engineering department has plant maintenance, electri-
cal maintenance, store procurement, building maintenance and vehicle maintenance
sections. The administration department has human resources, accounts, information
systems and clinic sections.
In order to be effective in achieving the vision, mission and goals, the company has
adopted and adapted world class human resource management practices through creativ-
ity and innovation. This was necessary to transform the inherited public enterprise man-
agement culture into a multicultural culture as envisioned in the main goals. The chapter
presents good human resource management practices from TTPL, which are useful in
driving organisations to prosperity. Therefore, at the end of the end of the chapter the
learner should be:

  • Aware of the good practices in human resource management which can be adapted
    in other organisations,

  • Able to develop policies and instruments to facilitate human resource functions and

  • Appreciate the link between theory and practice.

Staff categories at the TTPL

Permanent staff
Permanent staff are all the staff engaged on a continuous period of not less than 12
months on permanent terms and who have been or are to be confirmed in their appoint-
ment. Employees are appointed by issuing a letter of appointment setting out the nature
of the appointment, its general terms and conditions of services.

Seasonal staff
Seasonal staff are those under a service contract with duration of less than 12 months
and depends on the duration of the processing season.

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