Microsoft Word - APAM-2 4.1.doc

(Marcin) #1

The proposed training and development plans of all HODs are submitted to the hu-
man resource manager for compilation into the company annual training and develop-
ment plan that is submitted to the training committee for analysis and recommendation
for the management’s approval.
Therefore, all training programmes are co-ordinated by the human resource manager.
Training is undertaken on an in house basis or through participation in external courses
under the approval of the general manager. Training needs are included in the annual
work plan/programme for budgeting. Nominations of candidates for training through
attendance of courses or seminars are submitted by heads of department to the general
manager for approval with details showing:

  • the cost

  • the venue

  • the course content

  • the value to the Company

Workers participation in management

Workers participation in management is officially done through a trade union represen-
tative committee. The representatives are assumed to represent to the management the
workers’ interest in the most objective and efficient way. The roles of the trade union

  • To consult with the employer on matters relating to the maintenance of discipline
    and the application of the disciplinary code.

  • To discuss with the employer once every three months, means of promoting
    efficiency and productivity.

  • To consider and advise the employer on safety and welfare arrangements for persons
    employed in the business.

  • To attend, by a member of the committee nominated by itself for that purpose, all
    statutory inspections at the place of work by any authority charged by law with the
    duty to make inspections and report on working conditions.

  • To investigate and to report to the appropriate authority on any non-compliance with
    the provisions of a wage regulations made under the regulation of wages and term of
    employment ordinance or any law replacing the same, or with any collective
    agreement or arbitrary award, which relates to the business or employees therein,
    and for this purpose to inspect time and wage sheets and other appropriate
    employment records.

  • To consult the employer on any of the employer’s rules for the place of work.

  • To deliberate with the employer concerning any impending redundancies.

  • Generally, to assist in the improvement of good relations with the employer and the
    persons employed in the business and to exercise such other functions that are
    required of a committee by this act.

Grievance handling procedure

TTPL established grievance handling procedures to be used by employees whenever
their supervisors or fellow employees at workplace aggrieve them.
The objectives of this grievance procedure are:

  1. To provide a process of resolving employees’ grievances.

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