Frequently Asked Questions In Quantitative Finance

(Michael S) #1
Chapter 2: FAQs 97

What is Jensen’s Inequality and What

is its Role in Finance?

Short Answer
Jensen’s Inequalitystates^1 that iff(·) is a convex func-
tion andxis a random variable then
This justifies why non-linear instruments, options, have
inherent value.

You roll a die, square the number of spots you get, you
win that many dollars. For this exercisef(x)isx^2 ,a
convex function. SoE[f(x)] is 1+ 2 + 9 + 16 + 25 + 36 =
91 divided by 6, so 15 1/6. ButE[x]is31/2sof(E[x])
is 12 1/4.

Long Answer
A functionf(·)isconvexon an interval if for everyx
andyin that interval
for any 0≤λ≤1. Graphically this means that the line
joining the points (x,f(x)) and (y,f(y)) is nowhere lower
than the curve. (Concave is the opposite, simply−fis

Jensen’s inequality and convexity can be used to explain
the relationship between randomness in stock prices
and the value inherent in options, the latter typically
having some convexity.

Suppose that a stock priceSis random and we want
to consider the value of an option with payoffP(S). We

(^1) This is the probabilistic interpretation of the inequality.

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