Frequently Asked Questions In Quantitative Finance

(Michael S) #1
100 Frequently Asked Questions In Quantitative Finance

What is Itˆo’s Lemma?

Short Answer
Itˆo’s lemma is a theorem in stochastic calculus. It tells
you that if you have a random walk, iny,say,anda
function of that randomly walking variable, call itf(y,t),
then you can easily write an expression for the ran-
dom walk inf. A function of a random variable is itself
random in general.

The obvious example concerns the random walk
commonly used to model an equity price or exchange
rate,S. What is the stochastic differential equation for
the logarithm ofS,lnS?

The answer is

μ−^12 σ^2


Long Answer
Let’s begin by stating the theorem. Given a random
variableysatisfying the stochastic differential equation
wheredXis a Wiener process, and a functionf(y,t)
that is differentiable with respect totand twice differ-
entiable with respect toy,thenfsatisfies the following
stochastic differential equation





+^12 b(y,t)^2

∂^2 f





Itˆo’s lemma is to stochastic variables what Taylor series
is to deterministic. You can think of it as a way of
expanding functions in a series indt, just like Taylor
series. If it helps to think of it this way then you must
remember the simple rules of thumb as follows.
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