Frequently Asked Questions In Quantitative Finance

(Michael S) #1
Chapter 2: FAQs 121

Figure 2-6:The probability density function for the lognormal ran-
dom walk evolving through time.

The backward equation Also known as thebackward Kol-
mogorov equationthis is


+^12 B(y,t)^2

∂^2 p



= 0.

This must be solved backwards intwith specified final

For example, if we wish to calculate the expected value
of some functionF(S)attimeTwe must solve this
equation for the functionp(S,t)with


Option prices If we have the lognormal random walk for
S, as above, and we transform the dependent variable
using a discount factor according to


then the backward equation forpbecomes an equation
forVwhich is identical to the Black–Scholes partial
differential equation. Identical but for one subtlety, the

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