Frequently Asked Questions In Quantitative Finance

(Michael S) #1
282 Frequently Asked Questions In Quantitative Finance

It follows that




Suppose that we have a coupon-bearing bond. Discount
all coupons and the principal to the present by using
some interest ratey. The present value of the bond, at



i= 1


wherePis the principal,Nthe number of coupons,
Cithe coupon paid on dateti. If the bond is a traded
security then we know the price at which the bond can
be bought. If this is the case then we can calculate the
yield to maturityorinternal rate of returnas the value
ythat we must put into the above to makeVequal to
the traded price of the bond. This calculation must be
performed by some trial and error/iterative procedure.

The plot of yield to maturity against time to maturity is
called theyield curve.

Duration Since we are often interested in the sensitivity
of instruments to the movement of certain underlying
factors it is natural to ask how does the price of a bond
vary with the yield, or vice versa. To a first approxima-
tion this variation can be quantified by a measure called
the duration.

By differentiating the value function with respect toy
we find that




i= 1

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