Frequently Asked Questions In Quantitative Finance

(Michael S) #1
Chapter 5: Models and Equations 289

In all of the spot rate models below we have


as the real process for the spot interest rate. The risk-
neutral process which governs the value of fixed-income
instruments is


whereλis the market price of interest rate risk. In each
case the stochastic differential equation we describe is
for the risk-neutral spot rate process, not the real.

The differential equation governing the value of non-
path-dependent contracts is


+^12 w^2

∂^2 V



−rV= 0.

The value of fixed-income derivatives can also be inter-
preted as


Present value of cashflows


where the expectation is with respect to the risk-neutral

Vasicek In this model the risk-neutral process is


witha,bandcbeing constant. It is possible forrto go
negative in this model.

There is a solution for bonds of the form exp(A(t;T)−

Cox, Ingersoll and Ross In this model the risk-neutral pro-
cess is

dr=(a−br)dt+cr^1 /^2 dX,
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