292 Frequently Asked Questions In Quantitative Finance
Hull and White The risk-neutral model
dr=(η(t)−u−γr)dt+cdX 1
du=−au dt+bdX 2
is a two-factor version of the one-factor Hull & White.
The functionη(t) is used for fitting the initial yield
All of the above, except for the Brennan & Schwartz
model, have closed-form solutions for simple bonds in
terms of the exponential of a linear function of the two
The market price of risk as a random factor Suppose that we
have the tworealrandom walks
dr=udt+wdX 1
dλ=pdt+qdX 2 ,
whereλis the market price ofrrisk. The zero-coupon
bond pricing equation is then
+^12 w^2
∂^2 Z
∂^2 Z
+^12 q^2
∂^2 Z
−rZ= 0.
Since the market price of risk is related to the slope
of the yield curve as the short end, there is only one
unobservable in this equation,λλ.
The SABR (stochastic,α,β,ρ) model by Hagan, Kumar,
Lesniewski & Woodward (2002) is a model for a forward