Frequently Asked Questions In Quantitative Finance

(Michael S) #1
356 Frequently Asked Questions In Quantitative Finance

  • The Norwegian lives in the first house.

  • The man who smokes Blends lives next to the one
    who has cats.

  • The man who raises horses lives next to the one who
    smokes Dunhill.

  • The man who smokes Bluemaster drinks beer.

  • The German smokes Prince.

  • The Norwegian lives next to the blue house.

  • The man who smokes Blends is neighbour of the one
    who drinks water.
    Question: Who has the fish?
    (Thanks to NoDoubts.)

Gender ratio A country is preparing for a possible future
war. The country’s tradition is to send only males into
battle and so they want to increase the proportion of
males to females in the population through regulating
births. A law is passed that requires every married
couple to have children and they must continue to have
children until they have a male.

What effect do you expect this law to have on the
makeup of the population?

(Thanks to Wilbur.)

Aircraft armour Where should you reinforce the armour
on bombers? You can’t put it everywhere because it will
make the aircraft too heavy. Suppose you have data for
every hit on planes returning from their missions, how
should you use this information in deciding where to
place the armour reinforcement?

(Thanks to Aaron.)

Ages of three children A census taker goes to a house,
a woman answers the door and says she has three
children. The census taker asks their ages and she says
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