Frequently Asked Questions In Quantitative Finance

(Michael S) #1
Chapter 10: Brainteasers 363

probability of the next coin being tails and add this to
the product of the probability of an even number and
the probability of getting a head next:

pn=pn− 1

1 −

2 n+ 1

+( 1 −pn− 1 )

2 n+ 1


This becomes

pn=pn− 1

2 n− 1
2 n+ 1


2 n+ 1


Now we just have to solve this difference equation, with
the starting value that before any tossing we have zero
probability of an odd number, sop 0 =0. If we write
pn=an/(2n+1) then the difference equation foran
becomes the very simple

an=an− 1 + 1.

The solution of this witha 0 =0isjustnandsothe
required probability is


2 n+ 1


Two heads

When flipping an unbiased coin, how long do you have
to wait on average before you get two heads in a row?
And more generally, how long beforenheads in a row.

(Thanks to MikeM.)

It turns out that you may as well solve the general prob-
lem fornin a row. LetNnbe the number of tosses
needed to getnheads in the row. It satisfies the recur-
sion relationship

Nn=^12 (Nn− 1 +1)+^12 (Nn− 1 + 1 +Nn).
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