
(C. Jardin) #1

350 Week 10: Maxwell’s Equations and Light

Let us now guess that this invariant current is thecorrectone to use in Ampere’s Law,
and see if it gives us the right answer in at least one problem where weknowthe answer
and Ampere’s Law as it was before got it wrong. That is, suppose Ampere’s Law is


B~·d~ℓ=μ 0



J~·nˆdA+ǫ 0 d





Note well the location of the brackets: theμ 0 isoutsideof them, and everything inside
of them has the units of current.
If we use this expression to computeIin our capacitor problem above, when we compute
theinvariantcurrent throughS 1 we still getI(because the field due to the capacitor is
confined to live in between the plates of the capacitor and doesn’t pass throughS 1. If
we apply it to the surfaceS 2 , no physical current gets through, but thefield inside the
capacitoris (recall):


ǫ 0 A


whereAis the area of the capacitor. The integral:

S 2 /C

ǫ 0


and hence
Iinv=ǫ 0


S 2 /C


=I (827)

becauseIis the rate at which the capacitor is charging! We get the sameI for both
surface! We therefore get the same (correct) magnetic field aroundCfrom both surfaces.
The extra term we have added to the physical current was originallyadded by James
Clerk Maxwell, and the implications of this term were so profound, so overwhelming,
that the entire set of equations (and the term itself) were named inhis honor. It is
called theMaxwell Displacement Current:

IMDC=ǫ 0 d

S 2 /C

E~·ˆndA (828)

From now on we will assume that equation 824 is the actual, correct form for Ampere’s
Law, the one that will always give the right answer, the law of nature. As we’ve seen,
for many “static” problems where there is no time-varying electric field we can use the
old form without error, but it won’t work when charge is building up andthe electric
field is varying.
In fact, there is one very important place where it fails. It fails to describe the magnetic
fieldinsidethe parallel plate capacitor. Let’s work that out as an example.

Example 10.0.1: The Magnetic Field Inside a Parallel Plate Ca-


In figure 140 we see a parallel plate capacitor with cylindrical symmetry being charged by
a (momentarily) steady currentI. As charge flows onto the capacitor, the field (assumed
as usual to be strictly confined to be between the two plates, ignoring the fringe) increases
uniformly. This increasing field creates an increasing flux through cylindrically symmetric
Amperian loops of radiusrin between the plates, generating a magnetic field there. Our
job is to evaluate this field, both between the plates and in free space outside of the
plates (but in the plane that separates them).
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