
(C. Jardin) #1

Week 13: Interference and Diffraction 419

If this criterion is satisfied, there is a resolvable dip in intensity in between the
two separate maxima. If the two maxima are any closer, there is just one broad
central maximum and one cannot tell that the images of the two source points or
wavelengths are distinct (that is, one cannot tell that there are two source points
thereat allfrom the image).

  • The Diffraction Grating: If one illuminatesNslits with the distance between
    adjacent slitsd(such that allNslits are within the coherence length of the light)
    then different wavelengths in the light source have principle maxima atdifferent
    angles for any given order. This can be used to perform experimental spectroscopy
    and invert the observation as ameasurementof the wavelengths of the light in
    the source. From the discussion ofN-slit interference, we know that the principle
    maxima are brightened by a factor ofN^2 relative to the light from a single slit and
    that these maxima occur at the angle(s) where:

dsin(θ) =mλ

form= 0, 1 , 2 ....

  • The resolving powerRof a diffraction grating depends on the order of the maximum.
    In the small angle approximation,


where ∆λminis theminimum separation in wavelength that can be resolved
according to the Rayleigh criterion from the wavelengthlambda, at any given order
m. Inverting this:


so that resolution improves (closer wavelengths can be resolved) with both the
number of slits and the order of the maxima being resolved.

  • Single Slit Diffraction:The intensity of light of wavelengthλpassing through a
    single slit of widthato strike a distant screen is:

I(θ) =I 0


φ/ 2

) 2

where the phase angleφ=kasin(θ) and whereθis, as usual, the angle from the
center of the slit to the point on the screen. The phase angleφcan be thought of
as the phase difference between light from the first Huygens radiator on one side of
the slit and light from the last Huygens radiator on the other side of the slit, the
difference accumulated across thewidthof the slit.

  • A simple heuristic (described in the text) can be used to show thatminimaoccur
    in this “diffraction pattern” (the intensity function given above) when:

asin(θ) =mλ

for (note well!)m= 1, 2 , 3 .... Note the omission ofm= 0. This is becauseθ= 0
(corresponding tom= 0) is always the position of thecentral maximumof the
diffraction pattern, with peak intensityI 0.

  • In between the minima given at theseexactangles are secondary maxima of strictly
    descending intensity at theapproximateangles:

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