
(C. Jardin) #1

Week 13: Interference and Diffraction 421

  • To understand this, note that when light reflects from an interface between a
    medium with a lower index of refraction (source) and a medium with a higher
    index of refraction (destination) the reflected waveinverts(shifts its phase byπor
    a half-wavelength). When light refects from an interface betweena medium with a
    lower index (source) moving towards a higher index (destination) the reflected wave
    doesnotinvert its phase. Note that we learned precisely these rules for wave pulses
    reflected from the interface between light string and heavier string or vice versa in
    the first part of this course.

  • Second, thetransmittedlight that is partially reflected and partially transmitted
    at the first surface of the thin film has to travel to the second surface through the
    film (typically a distance given asd, not to be confused with the distance between
    two slits above) and then back to the first surface again, where the wave that is
    partially transmitted here recombines with the original reflected wave. The light
    that went into the film thus travels an (approximate) additional distance of 2d, and
    we can use the heuristic rule above to determine whether or not we get construc-
    tive interference (brightening of some given wavelength) or destructive interference
    (partial cancellation and dimming of some given wavelength),if we also account
    for the discrete phase shift(s) at the interfaces.

  • Letn 1 < n 2 < n 3 orn 1 > n 2 > n 3 , where by convention we will use 123 to indicate
    the order of the media in the direction of the incoming light. Then there are either
    two phase shifts ofπ(first case) or no phase shifts ofπ(second case) at the two
    reflecting surfaces of the middle layer, and the phase difference is dueonlyto the
    path differencein the film medium with index of refractionn 2. The heuristic
    rule is then:

2 d=mλ′=mλ
n 2


2 d= (m+



)λ′= (m+




n 2


withm= 0,± 1 ,± 2 ,± 3 ...as usual. Note Well: the use ofλ′=λ/n 2 , the path
differencein the mediummust contain an integer number of wavelengths for the
reflected light that emerges back inton 1 to be in phase.

  • A special result occurs whend≪λ. In this case there is “no” path difference, and
    the waves emerge in phase forallwavelengths. The surface becomes “shiny”. You
    can observe this when a drop of oil spreads out on water on dark pavement – at
    first there are many colors and then the surface takes on a silverygrey sheen.

  • Letn 1 < n 2 > n 3 orn 1 > n 2 < n 3. Then there is only one phase shift ofπat the
    first surface (first case)orone phase shift ofπat the second surface (second case),
    and the total phase difference is that from the path difference plusan additional
    phase ofπ. This is equivalent to half a wavelength difference. The heuristic rule

2 d= (m+


2 )λ

′= (m+^1
2 )

n 2 Maxima

2 d=mλ′=mλ
n 2


withm= 0,± 1 ,± 2 ,± 3 ....

  • A second special result occurs whend≪λ. In this case there is “no” path difference,
    and the waves emerge exactlyout of phasebyπfor all wavelengths. The surface

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