
(C. Jardin) #1

Week 13: Interference and Diffraction 433

or these angles withany integer multiple of 2 πadded (or subtracted). If we multiply this
out and turn it into a rule, it becomes:

δmin=kdsin(θ) =

2 π


4 π


8 π


10 π


14 π

, ...

2 π

dsin(θ) =

2 π


4 π


8 π


10 π


14 π

, ...

dsin(θ) = mλ

m=⊗, 1 , 2 ,⊗, 4 , 5 ,⊗, 7 , 8 ... (1040)

Note that this isalmostthe integer multiples of 2π/3 (where 3, recall, is thenumber
of slits – hmmm, one wonders if this rulegeneralizes...). However, we have toskip
the multiples of 2π/3 that are also multiples of 2πbecause we already know that the
multiples of 2πare principlemaxima. I remind you of this by putting⊗’d outholesin
them-sequence in the final result. We’ll continue this practice in the nextsection.
Finally, consider the last phasor diagram, which coorresponds to asecondary maximum.
If we set:
δsecondary max=π, 3 π, 5 π... (1041)

then this phasor diagram results. Although at the moment there isn’t any compelling
reason to see why (there will be shortly) let’s write this as:

δsecondary max = π, 3 π, 5 π...
=^2 πm

m=⊗, 1 ,⊗, 3 ,⊗, 5 ... (1042)

which looks like itmightbe a rule involving 2πm/(N−1) with the usual skip-all-m-that-
The expressions forθminm andθsecondary maxm are now pretty obvious, and I’ll leave you to
find them on your own. A typical problem for multiple slits would have you build a table
of angles (or sines of angles) for the principle maxima, the minima, andthe secondary
maxima, and then to draw a “generic” graph of the intensity using this information.
Unfortunately, just looking at two and three slits isn’tquiteenough to infer a trustworthy
rule, especially for the secondary maxima. We’ll therefore (in the next section) skip 4
slits and jump right on up to 5 slits, and from there to an arbitrary finite numberNof
slits. We won’t quite prove that the rules we infer (which all work forN= 2, 3 ,5 in our
examples) work for any number of slits, but wealmostprove it and cleaning up what we
do and turning it into a formal proof isn’t difficult, just a bit beyond the scope of this
course. Unless, perhaps, you are a physics major and need the practice...

13.4: Interference from 4, 5, N Narrow Slits

Now let’s look at one more particular case (just to be sure) and thengeneralize the
above results. We will not worry (inthiscourse) about actually finding the explicit total
electric field and squaring it and factoring it to find the intensity for more than two
slits, even though I derived the intensity for three just to show you one way that it can
be done. Instead we will (continue to) focus on just finding the angles of the principle
maxima, the minima, andapproximatelyfinding the angles of the secondary maxima. In
all cases we will be graphically “evaluating”:

Etot = E 0 sin(kr−ωt) +E 0 sin(kr−ωt+δ) +E 0 sin(kr−ωt+ 2δ) +...
+E 0 sin(kr−ωt+ (N−2)δ) +E 0 sin(kr−ωt+ (N−1)δ) (1043)
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