
(C. Jardin) #1

Week 13: Interference and Diffraction 459

Joe Braggart claims to have really, really good vision. “Why,” he says. “My vision is
sogood I can make out the Galilean moons of Jupiter with my naked eyes on a really
clear night. If I’d been around at the time of Galileo we wouldn’t have had to invent the
telescope in order to confirm the Copernican theory.”
Callisto is the moon with the largest orbit and has a maximum distance from Jupiter of
just under 2× 106 kilometers. At its closest point to the earth, it is around 600× 106
kilometers away. Assuming that he is using visible light, is there a chance that he’s
telling the truth? Note well: This is a problem on resolution, not lenses or the sensitivity
of the retina, so the determine whether or not Jupiter and its moonareresolvedby the
human eye at this distance.

Problem 7.

Derive the intensity as a function ofθfor the single slit problem. Fora= 3λ, find
the angles where the intensity is a minimum. Sketch the diffraction pattern fromθ∈
[−π/ 2 , π/2]. If you prefer, you can solve for the sines of the angles and sketch the
diffraction pattern from sin(theta)∈[− 1 ,1] instead.

Advanced Problem 8.

From your algebraic answer to the previous problem, obtain an expression for the angles
where diffractionmaximaoccur. You might find the following useful:

d f^2

= 2f

which has zerosbothwheref= 0 (the minima, except for the one atθ= 0)andwhere
dx= 0 independently. Also recall from the footnote in the text above that:

xlim→ 0 sin(x)

= 1

and hence is not “undefined”.

Advanced Problem 9.

Derive the expressionR=mN=∆λλfor resolution for a diffraction grating withNslits
of separationd. This proceeds as follows: First use a phasor diagram to determine the
angle(s) where theprinciplemaxima occur. Then use it to find the angles where thefirst
minimumfollowing such a maximum occurs for any given orderm. This tells you the
angular half-widthof the maximum for a givenλ. Use Raleigh’s criterion for resolution
to determine the minimum ∆λthat can be resolved (considerλ′=λ+ ∆λ), and verify
the expression above.
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