Life Skills Education Toolkit

(Frankie) #1


By the end of the session the children will be able to:

  • Identify their strengths – what they are good at
    and what positive qualities they possess;

  • Get feedback from their friends in the group
    about their positive qualities;

  • Say why they are happy to be a boy or a girl;

  • Learn to protect themselves from any negative
    remarks about themselves; and

  • Decide what quality or skill they would like to

Key Points
Many children with difficult and sometimes
traumatic life experiences have low confidence and
low self-esteem. It is very important that children
are aware of their strengths and receive positive
feedback from others. Self-esteem and confidence in
oneself are critical to try out new behavior or

practice new skills. This session emphasizes that
each of them is unique, that there is no bad person.
This shield protects them from adverse criticism.

Life Skills Learned
Self awareness, critical thinking and communication.

Time Required
Each activity lasts for 30 to 40 minutes.

Activity 1: Paper plates, markers, sticking tape.
Activity 2: Paper shields (should be of stiff paper),
Activity 3: Paper body outlines of a girl and a boy,
one pair for the girls’ group and one for the boys’
group, cards of three colors, sticking tape or glue.

Session One: My Abilities, My Skills

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