Life Skills Education Toolkit

(Frankie) #1


For Younger Children:

  • What did you like about this activity?

  • What did you learn about yourself?

  • What did you learn about your friends?
    For Older Children:
    Ask the children to discuss the activity along the following lines:

  • Was it easy to find something they liked about themselves? Why or why not?

  • Was it easy to find something good about others? Which was easier? Why?

  • How did they feel about all the good things that others had written about them?

  • Why do some people say unkind things to them? How does it feel?

My Protective Shield
Group Check in

  1. This activity can follow immediately after the first one. If you have taken a break, spend some time
    reminding the children what they have done. Make sure everyone has his/her plate when you are
    speaking. Give some time for each child to look at the plate and read what has been written.

  2. Distribute the cut out shields to each child. Discuss with the children what shields are used for
    (to protect, to look after the person holding it). Ask the children to write their names in the
    center of the shield and make a symbol of their very own.
    On one half of the shield, ask the children to look at their paper plates and write the best things they like
    about themselves on the shield. On the other half, ask them to write qualities or skills or behavior they
    would like to have. The children can write, make symbols or use pictures from old magazines.

  3. Ask the children what this shield means to them and how it would help them. The children may
    answer, “to protect myself when others are mean to me” or “to show the world what a wonderful
    person I am” or “no one can hurt me now.”

  4. Each child shares his/her shield with the group.

  5. The shields and the paper plates can be put up on the wall so that children can look at them
    whenever they come to the group. You could even have an exhibition of these shields.
    If there is a shortage of space, an alternative is to keep the shields safely until the next session.
    A display of these plates during the life skills sessions is a powerful reminder for the children of
    their strengths. A simple poster can be made by sticking small pieces of velvet paper on the
    back of the materials. The materials will cling to any cotton cloth.

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