Life Skills Education Toolkit

(Frankie) #1


Linking Learning With Life
Ask the children to identify one or two qualities/skills they already have and one or two qualities/
skills they would like to have. Then ask them to try practicing those qualities or skills in their daily
life until the next session. They can make a small mark on their shield. It is important that
children choose what they can easily do, especially if it is a new behavior or quality that they
would like to try out. The facilitator may need to help children choose simple skills.
Each child then turns to the right and discusses with his/her friend how they will help each other,
be their ‘friend’ or ‘buddy’ to practice these good qualities/skills until the next session. Remind
the children to also discuss among themselves what they would do when one of their friends is
not feeling good about himself/herself or finds it difficult to practice the behavior.

I am Happy to be a Girl/I am Happy to be a Boy
Group Check In

  1. Divide the group into boys and girls. If you have only single sex groups, you could divide them into two
    groups. Since this exercise involves perception of the opposite sex, it would be useful if you use body
    outlines (made by boys, if there is only a girl’s group or vice versa) that have been developed in other
    sessions. This will make the discussion more realistic for the children.

  2. Give out two cards (one color for boys and another color for girls). Ask each child to complete the
    following sentences:
    “I am a girl/boy. I like being a girl/boy because ....” Or “I am good at”
    Encourage them to write three qualities or skills they possess. Those for whom writing is a problem
    can make symbols or cut pictures or take someone’s help.

Experience from the field
We used one big shield for the 9-11 age group, and all the children wrote on it. They liked it very much.
(Positive Living Project, Namakkal).

In a circle, ask:

  • Did you enjoy this activity? What did you like most? Least? Why?

  • What did you learn about yourself? About your friends?

  • Would you want to do this activity differently? How?

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