Life Skills Education Toolkit

(Frankie) #1


  1. When the children are finished with the writing or drawing, ask them to discuss their work with
    their partner.

  2. Give each group an outline of a human form. The outline must be of same gender as the group.
    The children discuss and pin/stick the qualities onto the outline. You may remove some
    qualities if they get duplicated.

  3. Give the children some cards (as before, one color for boys and another for girls). Ask each child
    to complete the following sentences:
    “If I were a boy/girl, I would be.........”
    Encourage them to think and write as many qualities or skills as possible. As before, they may make
    symbols or cut out pictures or ask for someone’s help.

  4. Give the children the body outline of the opposite sex. The children discuss and pin/stick the
    qualities on the outline. Qualities that get duplicated may be removed.
    Ask the children to give this person one of their best qualities (from their own body outline) by
    writing or drawing on a piece of paper and sticking it on the body outline. Each child says the
    following while doing this:
    I am giving you my smile.
    I am giving you my friendship.
    This way the girls ‘gift’ one of their best qualities to the boy outline and the boys do the same. If
    this is written on a different color paper, the effect is very dramatic and provokes discussion.

  5. You should by now have four body outlines, two prepared by the boys and two by the girls. Each group
    shares its outlines with the other group.
    Do the girls have different ideas about being a boy, and do boys have different ideas of being a girl?

Experience from the field
This worked well with single sex groups (CCDT, Prerana, SFDRT) and where both boys and girls were involved
(PCI). This activity works out well when the facilitator prepares the “warm-up” or introduction very well.
Children’s voices CHES, Chennai (Boys 11-14 years)
“The first part was very easy but the second exercise, assuming that we are the opposite sex was difficult.”
“Being a boy, how can I think like a girl?”
“Today, I became aware of so many things that were in my heart.”
Children’s voices YWCA Delhi (Girls 11-14 years)
If I was a boy......
I can learn to cycle...
I would not ever tease girls...
I would take my wife out and buy her new clothes....
I would decide my own marriage....
I would earn money and see that my brothers and sisters are married...
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