Life Skills Education Toolkit

(Frankie) #1



By the end of the session, the children will be able to:

  • Identify and share some of their values;

  • Understand that many intangible things have
    more value than material and tangible things;

  • Examine the relationship between values and
    behavior; and

  • Learn how much time and resources are spent
    doing certain activities and their relationship to
    the value held by the children.

Key Points

Behavior depends on what we value and what we
believe. Our families, community, society and others
that we look up to and accept as role models shape
these values and beliefs. Many things we think we
value do not give us the happiness we want. Many
of our values make us behave in ways that harm us
as well as others whom we love and care about.
That is why it is important to understand what we
value and change them if necessary. If we value
caring for friends and family, honesty, education,
truthfulness and hard work, we often have to give

up our immediate needs and wants so that we may
enjoy more long-term happiness.

Life Skills Learned
Self awareness, critical thinking, communication
and decision-making.

Time Required
Each activity lasts 30-45 minutes.

Many auction cards of same object. Play money,
statement cards, card paper and sticking tape.

Note for the Facilitator
It helps to tell stories and/or make a big book. This
book can be made easily by putting together large
brown pieces of paper and then sticking pictures
on them to illustrate a story. Write the story in simple
language using thick marker pens and big bold letters.
The advantage of the big book is that children can
gather around a book and read it together.

Session Two: My Beliefs and My Values

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