Life Skills Education Toolkit

(Frankie) #1


Values Voting
Group check in

  1. In three corners of the room paste three signs: “Agree,” “Disagree” and “Not Sure.” Tell the children
    that you will be reading out some statements that expresses some values. The group will vote on
    each of the statements. After each statement, the children must go to the sign which best describes
    what they feel about the value. The child can change his or her position at any time.

  2. Be sure to explain that there is no right or wrong answers. Everyone has thier own opinions, and it
    is all right to express it.

  3. After each statement has been read out and the children have chosen their answers, ask them
    to discuss the answers among themselves. Then ask one of them to say what they felt about the
    statement. The child must express what the group has said and not only what s/he believes.

  4. Count the votes for each statement to discuss later.
    Some suggested value statements are listed below. Choose and adapt according to your needs
    and for the time you have. Add others that may be more relevant. Value statements, which bring
    a variety of answers, indicate what the children are not sure of, and are therefore useful for the
    facilitator to review and discuss with the group.
    a. Getting money is important. It does not matter how one earns it.
    b. You must wait until you are married to have sex.
    c. A man cannot cry or be kind.
    d. Elders are troublesome and do not deserve our respect.
    e. Whatever happens will happen, so why plan?
    f. Girls need not study after Standard 10.
    g. You can get a good job without finishing secondary school.
    h. Drinking can help to manage stress and problems in daily life.
    i. To earn money you cannot be honest.
    j. Girls, not boys, must help their mothers.
    k. Men can be good nurses.
    l. Gutka (tobacco extract) is not harmful because all my friends eat it.
    m. If you can smoke a cigarette, you are a man.
    n. Boys are smarter than girls.
    o. Birth control is a woman’s responsibility.
    p. Women should not get jobs that men have always had.

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