Life Skills Education Toolkit

(Frankie) #1


At the end of the session the children will learn:

  • To listen attentively;

  • To understand that we communicate both
    verbally and non-verbally; and

  • That our verbal and non-verbal behavior need
    to convey the same message.

Key Points
Poor listening often means that messages are
distorted, not heard or heard only partially and
misinterpreted. In these situations, we cannot
understand what the person is trying to say. Since
non-verbal communication is as important as
verbal, communication can break down or lead to
problem situations if there is a mismatch between

the two. Many children give “mixed” messages;
they say one thing and their non-verbal behavior
conveys a different message. This confusion can
lead to misinterpretation and a license on the part
of the listener to exploit the situation to his or
her advantage.

Life Skills Learned
Self awareness, communication and critical thinking.

Time Required
30 – 40 minutes for each activity.

Cards, marker pens and chart paper.

Session One: We Speak with Our Bodies

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