Life Skills Education Toolkit

(Frankie) #1


  1. Some more examples are given below:
    Play 1: Interrupting by Saying Something Unrelated
    Child: Yesterday, we went to a big mela where there were many different games. We went on the
    giant wheel and then ate a lot of nice things...............
    Facilitator: I brought my food with me; I do not want to eat outside.
    Child: ......we had pink colored ice cream...............
    Facilitator: it is so hot today but I did not bring my sunglasses.
    Play 2: Interrupting to Talk about Oneself
    Child: I was very sick yesterday; my head was aching...
    Facilitator: You say you were sick! My stomach was aching so much I wanted to lie down. And yet
    I came!
    Child: I did not know whether I had slept at night.....
    Facilitator: I cannot sleep when I am sick. Last night I had such a problem....
    Play 3: Advice and More Advice
    Child: I am worried about my friends. They were out last night. I hope nothing went wrong.
    Facilitator: How many times have I told you not to go with them? They must have done
    something bad last night.
    Child: They reached the shelter late, and it was closed.
    Facilitator: I told the people at the shelter to keep the doors open late but who listens to me?

  2. The pairs take turn one by one. When his/her turn comes, the child in the pair will speak for less
    than a minute. The other child in the pair will pretend to be a bad listener, showing only one bad
    listening style. The child who is speaking must not stop. When the time is up, the next pair comes
    and one of the children speaks. Complete all the pairs. Do this quickly.

  3. Do a role reversal. The children who acted as speakers last time are listeners now and vice
    versa. Once again a child speaks and the other listens, but the difference is that this time the
    other child shows he is listening. Continue the activity until everyone has had a chance.

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