Life Skills Education Toolkit

(Frankie) #1



Status and Power

  1. Divide the group into pairs. Child A in the pair has to be of low status and Child B of high
    status. Each pair will show different positions of power in a short sketch (only 1 minute).
    Some examples of sketches are:

    • Servant and master;

    • Man and woman;

    • Teacher and student;

    • Pimp and sex worker or madam and sex worker (for children above 15); and/or

    • Police and street child.

  2. The pairs reverse their roles the next time.

  3. This activity can be varied for older children by having Child A play the person with low status
    who has qualities of the higher status and Child B the other character. For example, if Child A
    has been the servant in the first role play, s/he now becomes the clever servant.
    Some examples are:

    • Clever servant and stupid master;

    • Weak husband and strong wife;

    • Stupid teacher and knowledgeable student;

    • Foolish pimp and smart sex worker (for children 15 years and above); and/or

    • Simple policeman and shrewd street child.

  4. Ask the persons participating in the sketches how they felt as the person in power and later as
    the person who did not have power.
    How did they show their status? What body language did they use?
    Ask the larger group if any pairs tried to raise or lower the other’s status? (By flattery,
    corruption, putting down someone, trust)

  5. Which of the two positions were familiar to the group? What did they feel about it?

  6. Ask for two volunteers—a girl and a boy. Give them the following story, and ask them to enact a
    role play. The story given here is only an example. You can make up your own.

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