Life Skills Education Toolkit

(Frankie) #1


Family Peers Boy/girlfriend or spouse

True to each other XY

Care XY X XY

Share Secrets XY XY

Like to Talk X X


  • Did they find the exercise difficult?

  • How did they feel about contributing to a relationship?

  • Had they thought of this before?

  • Did the definition of LOVE surprise them?

Linking Learning With Life
Ask each child to discuss with his or her ‘buddy’ how to demonstrate their love to the person they
adore. Suggest to them that they make a plan, which could be as simple as helping your mother
or thanking a friend who helped with homework or an expression of appreciation for a friend
whom you like to play with or reading a story to younger sister. If time permits, share these plans
with the rest of the group. At the next session, spend a few minutes reporting to the group the
reactions of your loved ones to your acts of giving.

Experience from the field
Experience: The children were finding it difficult to express their emotions (street children) and did not
want to relive their bitter experiences in relation to the family. It was possible that they had run away from
their family because of these experiences. They were also afraid that after the session they might be asked
to repatriate. For example, one boy (13 years) said, “ I think after this activity you will tell me to go back
home which I am not ready to do.”
Most children had drawn three lines depicting only people closest to them. That is why we discussed
further how relationships vary even among the three lines. In cases where there were different numbers of
lines, we know that these children are capable of understanding how some relationships are casual and
some are not (PCI, Delhi).
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